Self-help and webinar library

In this self-help and resources section, you can find self-help videos with top tips and support from our therapists which are available  24/7. A library of self-help guides that complement the treatment we provide and aid your recovery journey is also available.  If you would like additional support you can also join one of our free live and interactive introductory and specialist webinars that cover a range of topics.

We have included a detailed list of information based websites full of useful information about mental health problems and a range of different support options that are tailored to meet a variety of different needs.

If after using the self-help materials you find that you would like further guidance and support, you can make a self-referral. We will be able to provide you with detailed help to meet your needs and requirements. 

Please note Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies is not responsible for the content of external information.