Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies Webinar Registration Form

Please note to access our webinar programme you must be aged 16+ and registered, or be intending to register with a GP, in Hertfordshire or Mid Essex.

The information you provide on this form will be used to record your attendance for this NHS Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies webinar and to help us register you if you decide you would like further support from our service.

Your information will be stored confidentially on our secure database in the UK. No paper copy will be kept. Data may be used in anonymised format to demonstrate that we are working with the local community, which, in turn, enables us to continue providing free virtual workshops. For more details please refer to our ‘Fair Processing Notice’ and sharing information page.

If you have any concerns about how the Trust is handling your data please contact our data protection officer: hpft.dpo@nhs.net 

If you have any enquiries about the webinar programme or the registration process, please contact our webinar admin team: hpft.talkingtherapieswebinars@nhs.net

More information on your rights is available from the Information Commissioners Office: www.ico.org.uk

Is it ok to leave a message on your preferred phone?

If you are registered with a GP in Hertfordshire or Mid Essex and your GP practice is not listed on the dropdown menu, please email and let us know: hpft.talkingtherapieswebinars@nhs.net

If your GP practice is outside of our area, please email hpft.talkingtherapieswebinars@nhs.net with the name of the webinar and date you would like to attend and we will send you the link to join. 

We would be grateful if you could complete the two following questionnaires on how you are feeling. These questionnaires are optional and only take a few minutes to complete, but completing them helps us support you if you later refer to HPFT Talking Therapies so that we can make sure you get the best treatment possible and monitor the progress you are making

* If you are experiencing thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way we would encourage you to follow our crisis link to find out more information about the support available to you immediately. Please click here for crisis link

There is always someone willing to help. Please don’t be afraid to ask if you need it.

Please note to be eligible for further treatment with this service you will need to be registered with a GP in Hertfordshire or Mid Essex.