Managing employment and emotional wellbeing

This webinar introduces common employment-related difficulties that may impact emotional wellbeing.

Work is an important part of our lives, and for some, work may shape part of their identity. We work for salary, life satisfaction and for structure on a day-to-day basis. So, it is understandable that at some point in our lives we might experience work-related stress. Around 1 in 7 people experience mental health difficulties in the workplace. In fact, 12.7% of all sickness days in the UK are attributed to poor mental health. It is important to remember that work can come with stress, and it is a normal experience for everyone.

The webinar presents CBT-based self-help tips to manage employment-related stress, as well as practical tips to help during interviews and to remain in work. The webinar also includes information about the employment support services for anyone interested in receiving further help and guidance.

Key topics covered:

  • Common employment stressors: Around 1 in 7 people experience mental health difficulties in the workplace. Common stressors include difficulties finding work, interview anxiety, challenging colleagues, high workload, and an unsupportive or uncertain environment. These difficulties might lead to stress, worry, and low mood. 
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): CBT can help us understand how our mood is impacted by employment-related stress. CBT suggests that the way we feel physically, the things we do, and the way we think are all related and can influence each other. As a result, we may become stuck in a vicious cycle of low mood or worry. This cycle can be broken by changing how we think and what we do.
  • Managing motivation and worry: We can boost motivation and manage worry using CBT-based tools. The tools discussed in the webinar include an activity diary, the worry tree, and worry time. The webinar also covers practical tips provided by the employment support service to remain in work and manage interview-related worries.
  • How to access further support: The webinar introduces the support offered by Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies for local residents. It also covers the employment support offered by the Mental Health Matters Employment service for Hertfordshire and Mid Essex residents. 

To find more information or to self-refer to the NHS Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies services please visit: or talk to your GP. 

If you require any additional support registering for any of our webinars, please email:

Self-help videos:

We also have a variety of self-help videos available that focus on a range of topics including stress, sleep, nature and wellbeing, tips for healthcare staff and mindfulness. Click here for more information about our self-help videos.


Please note this video was created prior to our service name change (from HPFT IAPT) to 'Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies'.