Get involved

The Involvement Network is a service user involvement group run by Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies. It is not a support or self-help group.

Many service users want to be involved in the future of shaping the service. Service user and Carer involvement is at the centre of our values. The group offers meaningful opportunities for improving how we deliver talking therapies. The Involvement Network will meet online every two months via Microsoft Teams. ,

Our next online meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 26th February 2025, between 5:00pm-6:00pm.

We are keen to listen to people who have used our services, so that we can action valuable feedback, understand what works well, what doesn’t work well and make plans for improvements.

Who can become a member?  

We welcome involvement from service users and carers who have previously used our services. We value everyone’s own personal experience and welcome people from diverse backgrounds, abilities and needs. 

The role of an Involvement Network member:

There are many ways you can get involved in helping to shape and develop the Hertfordshire and Mid Essex Talking Therapies. Involvement can include:

  • Identify and drive forward new initiative to ensure mental health services are accessible to all.  
  • Review services and providing feedback.
  • Help to plan, develop and design better policies and services for the future.
  • Reviewing promotional materials including printed materials and digital channels (website and social media).
  • Support ongoing projects to improve access and service to individuals including Perinatal, Men, Older Adults, Young people, EDI etc. 
  • Help with ad hoc patient surveys in various service areas.
Are there any additional involvement activities? 

Alongside our regular bi-monthly meeting we may ask our Involvement Network members to volunteer to support additional activities including providing advice on working group projects, innovation projects such as new webinars, whiteboard animations and videos and/or produce a service user story based on your journey with our service.

Benefits of being part of the Involvement Network:

If you would like to be involved, your valued help can make a big difference to our understanding of individual’s needs. This means we can improve our services more effectively.

•    Having your views listened to, and exploring new ideas to help others access support to improve their wellbeing.  
•    Working together with other members and staff to positively influence and drive forward service development. 
•    Having an opportunity to use your personal skills and experience to improve mental health services.
•    Communicating with new people and connecting with local communities. 
•    Raising your self-esteem and confidence whilst assisting with your ongoing recovery. 

How to be an Involvement Network Member: 

There are many ways for you to be involved and we welcome your ideas on areas you could support. Click here to complete the registration form. 

Please email our team if you have any questions or queries: